1) The acceptance of the TERMS
Yahoo! Service areas (the "Service") owned and operated by Yahoo! Inc., to the latest version of Yahoo! Terms of Service (TOS), located at http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/, Yahoo! Mail General Guidelines, and all other Yahoo! "The rules and regulations applicable S (" Guidelines ") (collectively" Agreement ") and Service Agreement (together the" Agreement "). For clarity, Yahoo Domains is a" service "as defined in Yahoo! Terms of Use. Yahoo! can update and change the Terms from time time. Find the latest version of these Terms of Service and http://order.sbs.yahoo.com/sbs/tos/domain_tos.html Latest version Yahoo! Terms of Service and the URL above.
By completing the domain name (ie web address) registration process you agree to the terms and conditions should be maintained, so that all of the above, please read carefully. Any person or entity in the name of it, must also be, and accept responsibility for that person or entity of action conditions.
Under the terms of the agreement, Yahoo! is the service that will help you buy one domain (eg web address) as well as the provision provides access to certain Yahoo! Software ("Software") to facilitate your use of the Service.
PLEASE NOTE: The agreement requires that Yahoo! , Deception or link to your website or domain name hosting provide services related to the addition of domain names, therefore, within the service.
You can get the fully functional site hosting services from Yahoo! Web hosting http://webhosting.yahoo.com.
If you are a customer and domain is for e-mail with the product, has decided to activate a domain, you can store up to 10MB of emails and attached files (stored data) to the system. If more than 10MB of data stored in your account on the system, Yahoo! may, in its discretion and without notice, (i) all data from more than 10MB, which is located in your account on the system, and (ii) remove the receiving and sending emails about your account continuously.
3) His acceptance of Internet names worldwide
If you have a new domain name in connection with the service, the following conditions must record:
Yahoo! has chosen Internet Names Worldwide (a division of Melbourne IT Limited), or "INWW," an ICANN accredited registrar for. com.br. net,. org,. Biz,. e e. us domain names, domain registration, to provide services. You are allowed to Yahoo! to get your chosen domain name INWW. To get a domain name, you must agree INWW business conditions for http://domains.yahoo.com/inwwagree.html for themselves. Com.br. Net,. Org,. Biz and. Info domain names (gTLDs INWW AGB) and http://domains.yahoo.com/inwwagree_us.html. us domain name (in INWW. AGB), can be changed. You understand that creating a separate contractual relationship between you and INWW, and you are not, and Yahoo! They are responsible for all taxes, duties and responsibilities with regard to this relationship. Yahoo can choose to pay the fees INWW and in this case, you will pay Yahoo for the payment. You agree that your obligations to indemnify under "Indemnity" in the Yahoo! Services including any claim or demand their names domains will no longer provide services related domains names for pre-registration by the service or conditions INWW.
They are listed as the domain holder and administrative contact for your domain name, provided that you choose a different domain registrant and administrative contact. If you are a domain holder and administrative contact in addition to himself, that person (s) must agree INWW directly and is also bound by the agreement at his side. You are allowed to Yahoo! taken as the billing contact, technical contact and name server in connection with its list of domain names, and any measure, Yahoo! Considering the appropriate capacities. However, after completion of service (due by or on behalf, you or Yahoo! The reasons described in Section 8 below entitled Termination aborted), Yahoo! Might immediately stop the act as such and it reserves the right to transfer your account to collection of arrears INWW. In the case of transfer INWW empower you as the billing contact, technical contact and name server for your domain name to serve, and to take all appropriate measures INWW considers capabilities. After the service, Yahoo! to forward all messages that are not responsible, email or other correspondence to you or take other measures related to its domain name. You are solely responsible for all ongoing fees, and remove the Yahoo! such as billing, technical contact and name server for your domain name, unless Yahoo! advise you otherwise.
4) Fees and charges
To pay for the service, you have a Yahoo! ID. You also have a Yahoo! Portfolio, unless the credit card, billing and shipping addresses and other information. If you do not have a Yahoo! ID or Yahoo! Portfolio, you are asked to complete the registration.
The service charges are set to http://domains.yahoo.com/services. All charges are payable in U.S. dollars to Yahoo, is not refundable and is not great, and automatically charged to your Yahoo! Credit card portfolio. Annual fee is charged when you buy e-mail services associated with your domain name, monthly fees charged in this case. Yahoo! may change the rates, but you will be notified in advance if this change will effect. Yahoo! Account will automatically charge your credit card renewal until you receive an online ad on your web console for http://console.domains.yahoo.com. If your credit card is invalid or expired your payment for any reason, the service is terminated and removed from Yahoo! Or server and any information contained therein lodging. Settlement takes place annually occur in your account start date. When you buy a e-mail service tied to your domain name, the charges will be billed monthly instead of every year until I got the notice is received. You can subscribe to the functions or extra fee add-ons need or appropriate to each billing period debited. All service fees are not refundable. If you have questions or concerns about your bill for services, please contact domains-billing@yahoo-inc.com.
5) Automatic renewal
If Yahoo! Remember the contrary, this Agreement and will automatically renew service and will be automatically calculated as described in Section 4. If Yahoo! initially registered your domain name, Yahoo! will automatically renew your domain name on a yearly basis before the end of its first registration of domain names. To ensure that the area in a timely manner without interruption of services, charged per domain Yahoo has renewed renewed 15 days before the anniversary of each annual general meeting (the area of multi-year renewed 15 days prior to the end last year). Timely payment, you will extend your service and domain registration deadline for a full year from the date of the anniversary. Your domain name will be automatically extended by the Secretary after the annual fees charged to your credit card has been successfully saved in Yahoo! Portfolio.
Applied 6 Yahoo! Registrar S
In areas where Yahoo! as the billing contact, acting Yahoo! may at any time request in writing that you transfer the domain name registered for the service to a new registrar in accordance with the registrar. If you're not on the request within 30 days you do not agree, you agree that Yahoo! continue to offer services, but may, in its sole discretion, either:
(I) requires an additional fee payable to Yahoo! for the service, to maintain and renew their domain names before or secretary
(II), you are responsible for all fees, including the annual fee directly to the previous secretary, in case you authorize Yahoo! adjust to the domain name fees paid as part of the service, and change the details of the billing contact for the domain names from Yahoo! for you by entering your account information for the previous secretary.
7) The use of a pre-existing domain name if you already have a domain registered with another provider and want to use this service, you should ask the Registrar to amend the existing servers for domain names name known as Yahoo! For his name.
NOTES: Secretary continue the current Secretary for domain names and you will remain responsible for all course fees for the domain name using their existing suppliers, including renewal rates. The fee for Yahoo! SERVICES FOR THE not contain or registration renewal fees you owe on your existing provider.
8) Information to confirm your Domain Name
In accordance with the ICANN Rules and the conditions of the Registrar, as applicable ("Required Information") and the risk of fraud, minimize the Yahoo! You can always request all the information needed to prove, is provided by a holder. If you respond to the request or not to review all relevant information, Yahoo! Failure is the reasonable satisfaction within 15 days at the request of Yahoo, Yahoo! may, in its sole discretion, immediately terminate the service and remove all materials, including your domain name from Yahoo! Servers.
9) Disclaimer
You agree to indemnify and hold Yahoo and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, co-branders or other partners and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable fees attorney, where a third party due to or caused the Content you publish, insert, transmit or make available through the Service, use of the Service, your connection to the Service, your violation of this Agreement or this your violation of any law, regulation or rights of others.
10) Termination or transfer of the domain name
Can cancel service at any location by completing a form online http://console.domains.yahoo.com cancellation. Please note that you are entitled to a refund of fees, whether initial or renewal fee, you will have to pay Yahoo! In case you end your service. Also note that the removal of the service is not finalized, other services that you purchased in connection with the domain name and still be liable for any fees for these services.
Because some functions are combined in the field of products, services, transfer your domain away from Yahoo, either by changing the name of the server (redelegation) or the transfer of management of domain registration to another provider is not automatically terminate the other functions of the services you purchased, and you will still be charged for services. To cancel service by filling out the online form located at http://console.domains.yahoo.com cancellation.
Additionally, ICANN policy does not match the domain name be transferred to another Registrar within the first 60 days of its registered domain name. Yahoo! Can also choose to transfer the domain name to another dealer for transfer to Melbourne IT or Melbourne IT directly to restrict, for the first 60 days after your domain is registered.
Yahoo! Possible, but not the obligation, to terminate your service immediately and delete all of your materials with your domain names from Yahoo! Servers if Yahoo! Received notice that you dispute the charges with his credit card company or credit card is declined, or non-payment of fees for other services.
Moreover, if Yahoo! Receiving the notice that the rate of domain names for your credit card company, credit card is declined or denied that there are other non-payment of services of the domain name fees
Yahoo may, at its discretion immediately the appropriate domain name registrant of domain names at Yahoo! You acknowledge that Yahoo! Transfers as a domain name to Yahoo! under this clause, Yahoo! retain all rights to the registered holder of the domain name-related domain names, including the right to sell the domain name to a third party (if performed by an Act of the original recording of the related The domain name in question).
In addition, Yahoo! Possible, but not the obligation, to terminate your service immediately and delete all of your materials with your domain names from Yahoo! Servers if Yahoo, in its decision, concludes that have engaged in illegal activities or sales activities that affect the rights of Yahoo! or others or violated or threatened in terms of the agreement or any other agreement you may infringe on Yahoo!. The ending of this paragraph shall take effect immediately. If Yahoo! ending the service related to this number, you are not a refund of fees you paid Yahoo! warranted. In addition, Yahoo! Its service at the end of your convenience. However, in the event that Yahoo! choose to terminate your Service at its convenience, as his own way of Yahoo! A pro rata refund of your prepaid fees.
11) Maintenance and Support
Get help with technical difficulties that may, in connection with the Software or the Service caused by requesting via email domains-support@yahoo-inc.com. Yahoo! the right to establish restrictions on the extent of support, and during this time is available.
You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining all telephone, computer and other equipment to access and require the use of software and services, and you are responsible for any related costs.